Interior mutability

Sometimes you need to have a mutable value but can only pass it around as a value or reference, to achieve you can use the Cell structs.

Cell is a wrapper around a value that can be changed at any point.

RefCell is the same as Cell but allows the value to be exposed as a reference.

RwLock is the same as RefCell but can be shared across threads.

Mutex is the same as RefCell but can make references that can be shared across threads.

All of these are safe, they use reference counting and/or memory swapping to update values.


use std::cell::RefCell;

fn main() {
    let not_mutable = Person {
        name: RefCell::new(String::from("Emma Britton"))

    not_mutable.change_name(String::from("New Name"));


struct Person {
    name: RefCell<String>

impl Person {
    fn change_name(&self, new_name: String) {;