1. Introduction
  2. Basics
    1. Syntax differences
    2. Macros
    3. Primitives
    4. Error Handling
  3. Types and variables
    1. Mutability
    2. Strings
    3. Common types
    4. Constants
  4. References
  5. Borrowing and Ownership
  6. Classes, or the lack there of
    1. Deriving and implementing
    2. Default
  7. Methods
    1. this/self
    2. Functional Programming
  8. Modules
    1. Directories
  9. Crates
    1. Adding crates
    2. Not in standard
    3. Common crates
  10. Result, Option and Exceptions
    1. Result and exceptions
    2. Option and nulls
  11. Creating macros
  12. Concurrency
  13. Testing
  14. Cargo
    1. Tools
  15. Enums
  16. Tips and tricks
    1. if let
    2. Reference counting
    3. Converting strings
    4. Interior mutability
    5. Indexed iteration
    6. Formatting strings
    7. For crates
  17. Common bugs/issues
  18. Architecture
  19. Resources